
Best Bites

Python, Django, Bootstrap

My first Django project. I created a prototype for a food ranking website in collaboration with a group of MBA students.

LEAP Website

HTML/CSS, Javascript, Bootstrap

Mini project for LEAP program to revamp the LEAP website. The website launched with the new updates in Fall 2017.

Parking Buddy

Java, Android Studio, Firebase

An android app that gives a comprehensive mapping of street parking data in the Seattle area. This was my Ada Developers Academy Capstone Project. Data was retrieved from Socrata Open Data API and Google Maps API.


Ruby on Rails, oAuth, Foundation

A team project to build a delightfully unicorn themed e-commerce website. This project reinforced major Rails components as well as introduced user authentication logic.

Shipping Service API

Ruby on Rails

A pair programming project to design, build, and test a stand-alone shipping service API that calculates estimated shipping costs for a provided e-commerce application.

Tic Tac Toe

Javascript, Backbone.js

An interactive Tic-Tac-Toe game built with Javascript into a full Backbone web application and connected to a backend API.


Javascript, jQuery, Backbone.js

A single page application using Backbone that tracks contact information. This was my first project building an application with Backbone, an MVC framework with Javascript.


Javascript, jQuery, AJAX

A single page application that queries data from an API using AJAX to display a list of travel packages. This project reinforced SPA and jQuery concepts.

API Muncher

Ruby on Rails, Foundation

A web application that displays recipes based on a search term utilizing an API from Edamam. This was the first project where I configured an API for consumption.

FarMar Rails

Ruby on Rails, HTML & CSS

An exploratory full-stack rails web application project reiterating on the ruby logic FarMar application. This was a pair project, and changes were tracked using Git. A database backend application was built to view, create, and manage farmers markets as well as their vendors, products, and sales.



A simple ruby application to look up farmers markets and their related vendors, products, and sales. CSV files were used as a "database".

Media Ranker

Ruby on Rails, HTML & CSS

A simple rails app with three data models (Movie, Album, Book). The project focused on rails request cycle comprehension and implementing tests in a rails application. Built-in model validators were also used.

My Website


This project was to create this site using HTML & CSS. This was my first complete static site built from scratch. It has been updated significantly since :).



A pair programming project creating an interactive Scrabble game in the terminal. The Test Driven Development (TDD) method was used to write tests and code in parallel.

Word Guess


A pair programming project creating a word guessing game played in the terminal. Allowed for practice with object oriented programming and exploration of ruby gems.